You end up really wanting to dash around as much as possible and absorb ''xel.'' The enemies have nice defined hit boxes. The combo system, while difficult to figure out at first, is actually a blast and keeps the game's pace way up there. Gameplay/Mechanics: Here's where the game shines. Once defeated, they become allies and help you throughout the game, dropping in little conversations and you make your way throughout specific levels. As an aside, one thing that does greatly shine is the personality given to all of the bosses. Inafune typically treats gamers to some great composers' work. Music however, might be good? I don't know because the volume balance is so heavy on the sound effects that I never got to hear the music really, which was quite disappointing.

If you are taking this game too seriously, I think you are missing the point. That's ok though-you're a robot fighting other robots. While the voice acting is top-notch (there really are some great voice actors, including the obligatory Steve Blum-this guy is everywhere), some of the writing is a little juvenile. (NOTE: The negative reviews about graphics are mind-blowing-people paid $20 3-4 years ago to play Mega Man 9 and 10 which were made to look like NES games.The hypocrisy truly is mind boggling) Sound: Perhaps this is where I found the greatest fault in the game. Honestly, while its not pushing the limits of pc gaming, it is still aesthetically pleasing and fun. Lots of bright colors-neon greens, blues and reds-bring a whimsical and fun pallette to the experience. That being said, the graphics are more than adequate. This is a classic platformer that was kickstarted to run on current generation systems, portable systems, and last generation systems. Amidst all of the unwarranted rage for this game, I will try to address each of the core aspects of the game and give it its ''fair shake.'' Graphics: Keep in mind, you are purchasing a game for 19.99. Inafune has designed something new and nostalgic all at once. In the end, we were treated to a wonderful and new experience.

After the multiple delays and hugely successful kickstarted budget, expectations were very high. Amidst all of the unwarranted rage for this game, I will try to address each of the core aspects of the game and Mighty No 9 is a victim of internet fanboy outrage. Mighty No 9 is a victim of internet fanboy outrage.